Tuesday, January 10, 2012


At ANS last year they did a whole two week focus on babies in the spring and the kids got WAY into it.  Jack barely got into it... but he gave it a go.  He made a baby (filled a colored sock with rice), but made no other ornamentation for "baby Jack."  He carried the baby around now and then, but not really feeling.

Abby found the baby and brought it back out and last night they were all fighting over the baby - all three of them were rocking and cooing at the baby.  Jack saying , "oh, dear, my my my dear, it's going to be ok, I've gotchu"  It was incredibly cute.

Then Jack leaned real close to the baby, and in the same sing song "dad voice" Jack said, "It's okay baby, do you want to have my gun? Here, here, have my gun" (it was nerf.  But still.  Classic)

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