Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our House

Our House.  You know how contractors and builders and repairmen and installers come into a house and they can't make it look like whatever they are doing is a no-brainer because that might make you think you can do it on your own?  So they have this bravado like, "Ah, geez, wow, well of course I can do it - here is my estimate..."

What I think is funny in a sad way is that our house doesn't just kick our butts.  It kicks everyone's butt that has ever worked in it.  I don't use any of the companies that originally did work for us because they groan when they here it's our house.  And believe it or not, it is NOT just me they don't want to deal with. I am a consistent, non-whining payer, they LOVE me.  My house?  My house has kicked their butts.  People bring in other people to train in my house and they tell them horror stories about their first experiences.

I hope whoever takes this house from us whenever we are ready to sell loves the challenge and all the beautiful oddities because this house has potential - you just have to be an ironman to work on it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

These Kids

Abby's heart is on her sleeve.
Jack is a live nerve.
Finn is mischief incarnate.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jack love

Jack's night terrors are almost past us.  We've eliminated his nap and he sleeps beautifully most of the time.  But it still seems like every opportunity he has to get sleep enough to nap he does... car trips and the such.

He gave me a heart pin today that he made in Miss Julie's class for mother's day.  And I could just see the pride in his eye as I put it on.  Gah, I love this guy.

Abby in Charge

While Steve was gone to Greece this last week, Abby took Steve's directive to help to heart.  She even put the boys to bed three nights.  The first night, she came in, shaking her head and her hands on her hips, "Jack still wants a hug from you!" with exasperation.

Cutest Little Man

Love pre-school.  Even though workdays are not my favorite things to figure out.  But getting to pick up little free man here with no shoes and shirt because I'm sure that's just how he wanted it just gets me everytime.