Saturday, March 24, 2012


The longer Steve and I are married, the more often we look at each other and say some form of, "Wow, were we lucky."  Not in a cheesy sweet way, but because looking back we were total idiots in love - i.e. the things we THOUGHT we should look for, we knew maybe in theory, but any sort of real concept? None.  Sure, there's that God factor to fall back on.  But we know a lot of good God-fearing people that chose very ... short-sightedly.  Not because they were short sighted specifically but because we all are.  We can try to look around corners, but just on a very simple basic level, we can only try.  The longer we are together, the more we realize we could have screwed everything up so very easily.  And the more thankful I get (Steve doesn't think like this) that God chose to bless our instinct vs. use it to show us and the world how short sighted us humans are.

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