Saturday, November 2, 2013

Just One Kid

It is so weird to just have one kid with me for any length of time.

We went to Abby's Girl Scout Camp last weekend and it was both lovely and disconcerting to have all my mommy energy and instincts trained on my first born for a couple days.  I learned a lot about her in that time - nothing maybe that I can verbalize - innate things that you learn about someone when you pay attention.  Mostly I saw that her instincts are right on.  She's been her own person from day one, but it was helpful for me to see just how capable she is and how clear it is that she's got a strategy to life, and it looks to be fully endorsable by me ;).

Finn is my just one kid everyday after elementary drop off and pick up.  Really seeing him is still hard for me.  Those males are just so different to start with and add to that he's so sweet tempered and yet so very true to himself.  So far, at his tender age of 4 I feel like I would recognize his soul anywhere - it's true and sure.  But I'm not sure how much I could describe him.  Sweet doesn't do him justice, and yet - good Lord he's a sweetie.   He's just as strong as the other two, but has figured out innately how to get things without butting his head against a wall.   I keep staring at him, wanting to figure him out... and yet, he's the most transparent of the three of my kids.  Actually, I think I've got him figured out - I just don't have him pegged. ;)

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