Monday, May 26, 2014

Money, Money, Money, Money aka Zulily

Every few days... hours? I am reminded by a commercial or a conversation with a more normal person or a visit to a more standard family's house of many things that I "should" have, or at least normal people generally stock their homes with.  No, we're not talking Martha Stewart cute crazy specific muffin tongs.  We're talking things like... salad tongs or an ice bucket or coasters.

Sometimes relatives have figured this out and have given some of these funny basics to me for holidays.  Mostly, I really don't care.   I mean I often take a moment to wonder if I really need it, and if yes, it does seem like something handy for living, I put it on a mental list that I promptly forget about.

For a long long time we were living in a house that fought against how we wanted to live... so a working garlic press would be nice, but in my mind, it was just one more thing we were going to have to pack up when we moved.  And as you may know from some of my early ramblings - I didn't plan on letting us move unless I got majorly pushed so what was the point keeping a serious list anyway?  It would just have caused discontent to my mind.

So here we are in a home that we love and gosh darn it, I really need that garlic press now.  But its still not super high on my priorities list.  But now instead of spending all our discretionary funds on food to eat away our frustrations of the old house I could, if I remembered and felt so led... get a garlic presser thingee.

Enter Zulily.  Enter spending $8 in a lot of different categories.

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