Monday, January 20, 2014

Interview 2 (Boys)

What is the meaning of life:

Finn: You (pointing at me) - all the mommies
Jack: love

What do you want to be when you grow up:

Finn: old man, actually I want to be a stinky shoe
Jack: a farmer, - wait is this for real? I just want to be a man

What brings you the most happiness:
Finn: Poopy
Jack:  New Toys

When do you feel the most loved:
Finn: (gone into giggle mode)Turning off the light
Jack: hanging around (shrugs)

What are you afraid of:
Finn: (still giggling) Turning off the light
Jack:  Tigers and Lions

If you had one wish what would you wish for?
Finn: (still giggling) Turning off the light
Jack: I would wish for a giant angry bird attack building

What is the funniest word?
Finn: (major giggling) Diaper
Jack: Tate's words

What is the hardest thing in the world? easiest thing in the world?
Finn: breaking things/diaper
Jack : taking care of babies/ grabbing things

What is the best thing in the world? worst thing in the world
Finn: laughing giggling too hard to understand
Jack: Playing.  Being bored.

What makes you mad?
Jack: hitting my head

What is the meaning of love?
Jack: being roughed to pillows

If you had all the $ in the world what would you do with it?
Jack: Buy toys

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